***post here to find your teamates***
You make the rules, your post.
Last day to find your date, complete 7 matches and get a 320 ghost by Feb 23. Suicides don't count as matches.
Need one to do two more matches to complete last bounty. No mic needed, add PSN same as above.
Edited by JamesKru-01: 2/15/2016 8:12:58 PMAdd foundmatchsry...... for 7 matches!
need one for a few quick matches add paco-073
Need a double plz have quick Rez and be able to hold your weight add destinyroc2
GER_Ulli no mic, need a partner for bounties
I'm 318 Titan and a very skilled player just looking to help out some others I've already completed all bounties etc.
Need 1 skilled player
Looking to do 7 matches for ghost. Add akirk18
317 titan need 1 for bounties. no mic needed. firstman989
Need one for bounties
Add Pizzle111 farming ghosts
Last day Feb 15 for Crimson doubles. Don't forget to complete 7 matches and suicides don't count. You Will have a chance of 320 ghost after the event is over.
Need one more win in doubles for bounties. No mic add PSN same as above.
Need 1 for bounties no mic only Play -add niklas_g2000
Need 1 for Crimson doubles just farming for ghosts psn ninjakaden90
Looking for one to run doubles no mic needed psn jay-rab-
Looking to win some doubles matches just don't be horrible please. Add Nurmacy
Looking for a ps4 doubles partner for the next 40mins for a few casual games. No mic needed.
Need 1 for crimson doubles
Looking for a team. Have mic
Add buddy-g-lee
Add funky_prime for a casual run through doubles.
Add funky_prime for a casual run through doubles.
Need one for doubles bounties please be 305+ be serious and have a kd over 1 in trials of inter add Dean_Heaton
Public add and join
Looking to get my 7 games in... add me if you want a few chilled games. I have about 30 mins now.