Since Crimson Days is here I might as well post this.
Anyone who needs a partner on Xbox One can find them here
(btw I have a 260 male warlock and a 307 male titan if u need me)
Have fun in the crucible Guardians!
Please bump this up so we can be at the top of the list. :3
Looking for someone to do Crimson doubles, Message for an invite, or invite me, Gt^^^ 320 Titan
No Mic required, just have fun! Msg Mr Hanley 718 for inv...stay as long as u like. Fyi I'm using voidwalker warlock
Titan looking for a date for Crimson lol Gt as above
261 warlock 305 TITAN willing to have anynoe on my side gt same as above, or comment down below
I need a partner gt same as above
Looking for a partner to do Crimson double with looking to have fun and try to finish bounty with no mic but can hear
Looking for a partner just to get bounties done gt same as above message Xbox one for inv.. 318 warlock
Titan with 1.3 kd 1200 elo Looking to win Good communication Must have 1.3+ Gtag same as above
Need someone for Crimson doubles please be good and have a mic gt same message me for invite
Alright, so here's the deal: I can only be on starting from 10:30PM EST. I'm a light 316 approximately with my crucible stuff on, and I'm a Titan. If you're down for that, pop a message to RCBurrito on Xbox or here on the forums, either is fine, and I'd appreciate it if anyone could help because it's generally a pisstake that there is no matchmaking, especially with my schedule, and I'd appreciate it sincerely.
Need a second inv me 316 Titan
need 1 for bounties
I'm a hunter with a 1.27 ToO kd if that maters. I'm looking to do some doubles so msg me on xbox gt^
315 Titan looking for a partner, nothing crazy just trying to get the dailies done. Mature is a must. GT same as above.
Looking for a partner Do you Just don't suck Msg gt same as above for invite
Lookin for some chill to slay some kids with, send me that message, and I'll send your invitation GT Lords Vessel
Need a player I'm 317 hunter
Need a partner 314 hunter message for inv don't be bad
Need 1 Sexy Player to be my Partner Message : See O C K
Need one guardian for Crimson doubles must have a pos kd and good at pvp same as above 315+
Looking for a warlock partner that's able to hold it down lets get these bounties and w's message rich beastZ for invite
Inv me gt MzP x LoLaNaTeR
I don't think these try hard understand that light level doesn't matter in this game type... Looking for a partner to complete bounties. Winnings great but not a priority. In case you're wondering, I have over a 1.0 and go flawless in trials about every other week. But I don't care if you don't. My requirements, don't be a raging d-bag. GT same as above.
316 lock looking for team mate GT nikcam
Looking for partner GT talonwildstar
Looking for a partner to do the bounties. Message for invite. GT same as above.