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2/7/2016 11:46:18 AM
[quote]Yes [u]you[/u]![/quote] me?! [quote][i][b]We are a clan that puts our differences aside[/b] and joins together to fight the darkness. [/i]Our only rules include 1.) [i]You must be female [/i] [/quote] RIP the dream [quote]and 2.) Must respect everyone within the clan. [/quote] then what's the point of rule number one? Are you going to the bathroom in your clan? Honestly that's the only time I see this kind of thing. This clan epitomizes a large part on how we tend to treat everybody like children nowadays. So sensitive and so incapable of critique.

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  • Video games are a hobby,something I like to do for entertainment in my spare time.If I want to engage in that hobby with my own gender for a change,I should have the right to do so. I am not forcing other women to join,I am not restricting them from playing with others after they join.I am simply helping to provide a space for women to gather if they so choose.

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  • Assessment: tough guy. Likes to use big words. Needs attention. Par for the course.

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  • [quote]Assessment: tough girl. Likes to hear herself talk. Needs attention. Par for the course.[/quote]

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  • Going to the bathroom is the only time you see people ask for respect? That must be an interesting existence. As for the rest of it, if asking people to respect each other (which has no connection to capacity for accepting critique - poor leap of logic, there) is treating people like children, then we need to step back and ask ourselves why we think only children need to treat others with respect. Thanks for the thread bump!

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  • Edited by Hollow: 2/7/2016 1:09:53 PM
    You can't even make a proper response consisting of anything but baseless assertions? You realize going to the bathroom in segregated gender roles are much less respectful. In fact I could care less where you go to the bathroom. Go outside or in your neighbors lawn. The joke clearly eluded you. I was suggesting if you were insinuating that these "online video predators" were actually physically abusing you. Those same children are despised by men elsewhere, dont you know? That's because it has nothing to do with sexism, it's about the fact those same people are just assholes in general. That's my point- why not just make a non asshole clan? Clearly too complicated for you. You're defending the fact you went out of your way to isolate yourself. That's your fault and honestly has nothing to do with respect, I don't need to respect your decision to isolate others too from your "clan"? You really lack any common sense, not that I thought you had any- hence this post. Once again you're treating everybody, especially me now, as a child. Insinuating that I would harass any female? What? Like I need you to teach me morals and how to behave- yes, like a child. Clearly thinking is not your forte. Once again you think the guys who do the disrespect to these women can't message you? You're basically begging for attention. I gave it to you, yet you complain. How childish of you. Respect me, since you clearly have standards to respect everybody- that'd include assholes. Your logic is already twisted. Nothing is that ideal. Grow up.

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  • Way to miss the sarcasm in the first couple of lines. Clearly humor is difficult all the way around. As for the rest of it, sounds a lot like you're taking a lot of general statements as specific critiques of you, which is your choice. I'm wondering where we said that you, Hologram, would harass any female? I'm wondering when you became part of our clan such that our clan rule of treating others with respect would apply to you and therefore would be us attempting to teaching you morals. We didn't, but you're choosing to take it as such, which I can't do anything about for you. Maybe you could try not being so sensitive to things that aren't directed at you? Unless for some reason, you think it's valid that they would be directed at you? What you seem to miss is that requiring someone be female and requiring that they respect people in the clan don't really have anything to do with each other. We aren't under the faulty impression that making our group all-women will remove any potential of poor behavior within the group, hence rule two. So, in addition to creating a group that supports women playing this game together, we wanted to make it clear that we are, as you might say, a no ahole clan. It's really that simple. In terms of begging for attention, I think that is one way to look at a recruitment post. We're trying to get our name out there, and thanks for helping!

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  • Edited by Hollow: 2/7/2016 2:17:11 PM
    No problem. I really did post exclusively for [i]your[/i] attention, I'm glad I got it.

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  • Pro tip - getting a woman's attention by insulting her probably isn't the best way to go if what you want is for her (or anyone else) to think well of you. If you're just trying for any attention at all, I'm honestly sorry - that must really suck. Thanks for the bumps, and good luck out there!

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  • Edited by Hollow: 2/7/2016 2:12:04 PM
    Don't take it too personal. I insult myself more than anybody- but I'll try to keep it in mind. Insults immediately get results. You're welcome for the bumps <3 I simply needed to further instigate and investigate to get a glimpse of your logic. I now have a good general census.

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  • Nothing personal assumed - just offering advice and a little bit of empathy. Wait, is that trying to teach you morals and how to behave? Oh, for shame! ;)

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  • Edited by Hollow: 2/7/2016 2:19:42 PM
    [quote]Nothing personal assumed - just offering advice and a little bit of empathy. Wait, is that trying to teach you morals and how to behave? Oh, for shame! ;)[/quote] Lol once again I don't have an issue with anything gender related. She said she was a female and you decided to be the word police. Really not that big of a deal... I have my own morals hence not being a child who needs guidance. Once again treating everybody like children. [spoiler]maybes that's all women can do? [b][i]Triggered[/i][/b]? >kek [/spoiler]

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  • Nice edit. Salty? ;)

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  • [quote]Nice edit. Salty? ;)[/quote] ;-) only caws ur playn 2 hard 2 git

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  • [quote] ;-) only caws ur playn 2 hard 2 git[/quote] How unfortunate for you that it's not playing, it's just reality. Good luck with the thirst! :)

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  • I think you're mixing your threads? Advice that maybe not insulting women to get their attention might be the better way - does that ring a bell, since it happened on this comment thread? Although since we're here, to be the word police, wouldn't I need to be correcting her, not just saying something in my own way? And, no worries, darlin', I'm aware that you're not that big of a deal.

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