In a blast of energy, Phaedrus disintegrates all of the Shades around him, shifting his helmet back into position. The effort exhausted him, but he'd still he'd able to use a sword just fine.
*Golden looks back to Phadrus and seems interested "I am impressed. I thought you were just another mindless pawn, but it seems Entropy was right about you. Perhaps I may let you live, only to send the Federation a message."-Golden *Crusher gets up, and faces him "What are you planning to do, Golden? You can't stop the Alliance and the Federation, even if they are fighting each other as well."-Crusher "You will see. Entropy has plans for both of your peoples."-Golden *despite the efforts of either side, the shades keep coming in an endless swarm. Golden sets him body aflame and prepares to attack. Crusher readies himself