The RNG in this game is tough enough, but when you are dealing with RNG squared it's a bit ridiculous....
First you need RNG to play nice and give you the item you are looking for; which in its self is frustrating. But then, you have a 1 in 11 chance of getting 320 light in that particular item.
The only thing holding me back is my 319 class item.... I'm sure there are a lot out there missing the same (or a ghost).
RNG is rough, for example: In iron banner my chance of getting a 320 class item from the lvl 5 package was: 1-15 for the class item, then 1-11 for the light lvl. Which = .606% chance!? Not even a 1% chance.... I ended up getting 314 arms, cool.
The raid has similar odds, even though each drop isn't as horribly low since the reduced loot table at each spot, but still....
I've been saying this for a while. Haven't done the raid since I finished it the day it released. Bungie said they wanted to create a more rewarding loot system and it's worse than ever and so many people fail to see that.