I'm officially burned out, I just can't do Destiny anymore.
What are some game suggestions?
Battlefront is meh
I hate COD
No sports games
Imo there's yet to be an entertaining game on next gen that has kept my attention.
Basically waiting for The Division and No Man's Sky.
Witcher 3, a beautiful game, looks beautiful, plays beautiful, huge landscape (did i mention it looks beautiful?) Long and great story line Many side quests Trust me its one of the games you'll never regret buying Bloodborne or dark souls if you like that sort of games Assassins creed was a masterpiece game untill black flag iv back on ps3 after than i never played any AC but i think it still is a great game The last of us I never played it but i know everyone will recommend it so it has got to be great Battlefield 4 is probably the best balanced and competitive fps out there Gta v is...fun A great game but you cant constantly play it because it gets repetitive. Still a great game indeed Many might critisize this one, minecraft I used to play it every now and then for fun but never got into it and felt its very childish and boring However if you play it with good friends and have fun, build a base of yours with a nice house, farm, automatic machines (redstone, these require a brain) Its a great game where you just relax and waste hours of your life with no pressure on you and have fun. Its as cheap as 25$ also so doesnt hurt your pocket much