Ahhhhh Mardi Gras. The time for party and celebration of all things possible and having good times all throughout the carnival season. Everyone enjoys the pleasures of company and sits together or stands and enjoys drinks and food and King cake. Crimson days are upon us and we all know what that is all about. I feel that to make things even more interesting bungie should do a Mardi Gras themed event all throughout the Mardi Gras season. It works perfectly with what destiny events hold I.e. Halloween event, Crimson days, etc... This event could have many additions to equipment, there could be exclusive playlists, public events, etc... I think this would be a great and interesting event for destiny and could be more enjoyable for both casual and hardcore players.
Sound off people!!!
Don't go down Bourbon street in the last city. Some crackhead hive wizard might shank you for some wax or ether seeds