Greetings all! Commander Molander here to give you some helpful hints when you feel like a challenge needs more. I am speaking of course of 2/2/2016 nightfall Valus Ta-Ark ( Epic, Specialist, Fresh Troops, Endure and Trickle). Now your best friend in this scenario is obviously your secondary due to specialist. Like most friends though, they can't always be there for you... or can they... The best way that I have found to keep your friend close and your enemies Long Far Gone (gun humor XD) is this.
Carry a scout rifle that has the perk ( Shoot to Loot). This will allow you to pick up ammo from massive distances without wasting special ammo (thats why a scout rifle and not a sniper). Even if it's a year one gun, you'll only be shooting at ammo with it, not enemies. So having it on hand is almost vital when deeling with large groups or ultras.
The second option is to bring out a gun that people tend to avoid for these particular events, the Invective. Having this little ditty not only helps you clear tight areas in a pinch with it's decent reload and auto-fire but, and it's a big but, it will also act as an infinite ammo pocket. Because of The Invective's aptly named Invective perk, the gun will regenerate special ammo over time. So with this in hand, pop off a few rounds with some other guns, wait for your special ammo to regen fully then swap to your desired secondary for a few quick rounds before switching back and repeating.
Those tips will help with your fighting, but that's only half the battle.the second half if knowledge and strategy. several areas in this strike require long range and a lot of power to take down enemies. Ergo, a Scout Rifle is the best bet (if it has explosive rounds, even better). The scout rifle will let you pop rounds off on multiple targets and remain agile for those most certain bombardments.
The next tip for staying alive is cover. Always try to be behind something. If your in the intro room with the hydra, I recommend keeping the invective on for now in case enemies decide to come into your cover. Take out all snipers first, then (if involved) take out the blights and slowly blast your way through. In this same room, hop up the center poll where you found the dead ghost after clearing the first half of the room. from here you can easily deal damage to the ultra and those around before advancing.
Now for the tank fight (all I encountered was the tank) if you hop up onto the rocks to the far right look in front of the center rock pillar there is a tree. position the tank behind this tree just right and his tank shells will hit the tree and you can take out his left jets with no worry. the other half will take patience and agility for there is not too much cover for it. good luck there.
And for Valus, there are 3 areas to hide and fire, but your are still vulnerable here, so keep that in mind.
area 1: when valus comes out. run to the very back left of the room and jump under the ramp. you can shoot through the boxes till he moves.
Area 2: after he starts walking. jump *UP* out and proceed along the same side of the room towards where valus is going. jump under the ramp in the front left of the room and shoot through the opening there. be hasty though for you can easily be killed doing this.
Area 3: Now run to the back right of the room and jump under this ramp. here you will jump and shoot valus till he moves again. after which he will walk over and do a perpetual quake leaving him open and you unharmed. after a few shots *CONGRATS* you completed a nightfall with that brain of yours. Well done.
If i find anymore nifty strats to complete difficult tasks I'll post them up. Keep an eye open for #Brains_over_Brawns and Good luck on the field Guardians! Commander, Out.
You can jump up on the big circle lights above the ramps and side alleys. If you move and crouch enough you will barely take any damage and can shoot him no matter where he moves too.