Can we take a moment of thanks to the genuine nice people who wait for you to get heavy with them. Truly you are the real MVP'S xD
Most teammates grab it quick and don't care but when multiple people grab the heavy it can change the game. So kudos to all the good teammates out there
Edit: Throw in people who use their supers to secure it for the team too :D
I had to take it one time as 3 enemies were running to it aswell.the enemies died and i got the heavy ammo (better me take it and die than have 3 enemies get it etc) A teammate from miles away saw me take the ammo and decided to melee me for a while to say *hey dickhead why didnt you wait*... I then used all my heavy machinegun ammo towards him... happy now... dickhead (op is not the dickhead, just something that happened to me once) I always wait for teammates though