Hello Guardians,
I hope everyone is well :)
So I would say probably half of the friends requests i get in PSN contain photos of their genitals. Back in 2014, i thought this was a prank, but confirming with my other mates, it's an actual thing.
I'm just wondering about a few things, is there a way to censor the photos and have them in attachment form so i'm not forced to look at a thumbnail image?
Does sending photos of your genitals work in terms of influencing decisions to accept friends on PSN? It really doesn't do it for me, actually i'm quite put off, but wondering if anyone else likes this kind of thing.
It doesn't seem to be an exclusive Destiny thing either. I was playing The Division Beta over the weekend, ran into a random squad in the Dark Zone who wanted to team up, so they sent me a friend request saying: "Hey bro, there's a rogue squad ganking everyone. Wanna get our teams together? Sorry the d***pic is a bit blurred :(."
Like it seems to be some kind of required formality rather than sexual nature. Can anyone explain this?
[b]Edit:[/b] Ok, so it seems this started about 2 years ago [url]http://i.imgur.com/ZYaEv3F.png[/url]
Never heard of this before I think your putting ads up on the wrong sites lol