Can we take a moment of thanks to the genuine nice people who wait for you to get heavy with them. Truly you are the real MVP'S xD
Most teammates grab it quick and don't care but when multiple people grab the heavy it can change the game. So kudos to all the good teammates out there
Edit: Throw in people who use their supers to secure it for the team too :D
Edited by KidSixXx: 2/2/2016 3:53:43 PMI got a Slayer in the Rift IB by GGing everyone waiting for Heavy. I know it is courteous and all, but waiting too long can get your entire team wiped. It is also not such a great idea to wait for heavy in Rift matches when the spark is nearly up. My team lost a match in overtime when four members ran off to camp heavy while the entire enemy team burned past me and another defender and style dunked on our Rift. Use your head and judge your time and position when Shaxx calls for purple. Don't let running for Heavy become a conditioned reflex.