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Edited by Randy Rhoades: 2/3/2016 11:49:27 PM

Teammates who wait so you get heavy too

Can we take a moment of thanks to the genuine nice people who wait for you to get heavy with them. Truly you are the real MVP'S xD Most teammates grab it quick and don't care but when multiple people grab the heavy it can change the game. So kudos to all the good teammates out there Edit: Throw in people who use their supers to secure it for the team too :D

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  • I usually try to wait where applicable, there's also been times where I've had to blink up to it around all the red approaching, grab it and gtfo

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  • Why don't you fly a plane into a barn while doing cocaine

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    • Youre so lucky to run into those. Yesterday we had to chance to get both heavoes in ib. I got one and in the other 2 of my teammates waited by the box for like 15 secs(no bs) like dumbasses and then somehow [i]alpha has grabbed heavy ammo[/i]

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    • You da real mvp fam.

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    • Absolutely. And it's not just nice, it's smart. Especially now with everyone running around with a quillum's terminus, heavy ammo can last through most of the game. A lot of the ib rift games I lost involved the other team using machine guns for the second half of the game.

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    • I protect the heavy for everyone because this is America

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      • I try to wait till I'm surrounded we get it together, too many Reds suicide grab it.

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      • Problem was I justified in grabbing the heavy?

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        • Once I see red I take it, because chances are heavy or super is coming your way.

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          • I try to over take enemy heavy and just get it myself

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          • To the teammates that wait on your ghost to get your res... You DA real MVP! To the enemies that don't tea bag after a match and send a message saying good game... You DA real MVP! To the teammates that don't leave a one sided game... You Da real MVP!

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            • My teammates can't even get kills with their supers why should I wait on heavy for them?

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              • My general rule is wait until I stop seeing friendlies coming on the radar or I see enemies coming in.

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              • I'll wait until I see red on the radar

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              • Dude, so true. Thanks to all of them. I usually don't grab it — gotten used as a solo to just using my primary and secondary — but def remember everyone I saw wait for me. I usually camp the heavy and pick off opponents running for it. Gotta love overwatch and enforcer medals.

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              • Yes, I love it when you all huddle together.... :D

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              • The real MVP is that team that wait us to get a team when 4 of us left the game, we were winning by 3k points and when my only teammate run to the spark all of them were sitting or dancing so we wait and after 20 secs. our team is full again, we won, barely, but that was so cool.

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              • Ill always wait for u bb <3

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              • True dat! Situational sometimes if you are getting rushed by the enemy then pull it so they don't kill you and take it. Otherwise I wait as long as possible. Praise anyone who does this for your team! Especially if your a BAMF and defend it like a boss.

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              • I'll wait as long as I can, and even engaged in a one on one just so my teammates can get to it (either getting killed or losing out on the pickup). New to crucible and generally do not play an agressive front position anyways so it doesn't do me as much good as it does to other players (special ammo and primary for my scout works for me). If I don't see anyone coming then I'll grab it. But only when I see red on my radar.

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              • Edited by GODTIERxx: 2/2/2016 5:36:55 PM
                Can we take a moment and thank all those blueberries who wait until the opponent's gets heavy and runs up to your heavy just to shoot your whole team as they are picking it up. A lot of smart players do that all the time. They see the opponent is waiting on heavy so they get close enough not to be seen on the radar and then just shoot a rocket when the team is coming out. This always helps me do my crucible bounties quick haha.

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                • I always look for incoming blue dots on my radar. And I get so mad when I'm like 20 meters away with no enemies in sight and the guy pops it anyway. What is the actual thought process there? Just don't give a crap about winning? Is that it? Are they all 12 year olds who can't reason out the strategy of allowing your teammates to get heavy too? Or are they just adults with a 65 IQ?

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                • id have to say yes i wait if possible.. but on memento i grab it straight away, only because its in the open and you can get took out from anywhere.. if you snooze, you lose... sorry

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                • 1
                  I wait until I see red on the radar. [u][b]People who respect their teammates will ensure they get to the heavy on time.[/b] [/u]

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                • I hate it when I'm guarding it waiting for others to get to it and some wanker takes while the rest of the team are just out of its range...

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                • I try to wait for team mates to get near the heavy if I'm by it, but if enemies start popping up on my radar and bullets come my way, I grab it quick so they can't have it.

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