Can we take a moment of thanks to the genuine nice people who wait for you to get heavy with them. Truly you are the real MVP'S xD
Most teammates grab it quick and don't care but when multiple people grab the heavy it can change the game. So kudos to all the good teammates out there
Edit: Throw in people who use their supers to secure it for the team too :D
As a rule, I'm never the one who opens the crate unless everyone is at heavy, the enemy is there, or we're close to victory
Whenever someone does that I try to wave to them as a thanks, its just a decent thing to do
I had to take it one time as 3 enemies were running to it aswell.the enemies died and i got the heavy ammo (better me take it and die than have 3 enemies get it etc) A teammate from miles away saw me take the ammo and decided to melee me for a while to say *hey dickhead why didnt you wait*... I then used all my heavy machinegun ammo towards him... happy now... dickhead (op is not the dickhead, just something that happened to me once) I always wait for teammates though
If I see enemies rush it and I get there first I'll grab it to sacrifice myself and prevent them from getting it.
When you wait for teammates but no one is running towards the heavy ammo :(
You're welcome. Also thanks to anyone else who does this
I wait until i see enemies and/or red on the radar.
You're welcome. The more people with heavy, the better, right?
If I have super I'm going to the enemy heavy.. #suicidesquad
eh depends... if I'm at enemy heavy I snag it straight away, don't want them to get it... if I'm at our heavy I do check the radar before pulling it...
I'd rather have my teammate take it without me though if we all would die if they waited. I thank logical teammates not necessarily ones that wait. If there isn't risk and I'm near but not there yet, wait. If a guy is on the inner ring of your radar, take it and get out!!!
too bad I never see them. I wait, but no one else I see ever does unless in a fire team.
I'll wait until I see red on the radar. The moment I see red, I'm grabbing that heavy.
You not getting heavy > enemy team getting heavy
I agree, it is in your own best interest to let your teammates grab it. I hate people who grab it quickly when no enemies are even pushing up on it.
I try my best, but if I see someone really getting to close for comfort I am gonna grab it due to fear of supers and taking it. I would rather take a chance of surviving with heavy then letting them taking it.
I'll suicide grab the enemy's heavy. Keeping them from having heavy ammo can also be a game changer. To your point though, yes those that wait for teammates are smart players. Kudos to them.
That one time I waited? Yeah it was my first game and I was mashing all buttons frantically trying to get ammo for my best gun... But seriously I do like to wait for teammates.
I have a rule. I'll wait until either there someone on my radar, or I see someone. Most blueberries don't wait tho.
And on a related note, those who take it when I'm sprinting towards it, only 15 feet away, and no enemies are around. You are the worst, and I hope your children never learn to read.
I wait all the time, but when I am waiting alone and see an enemy... I take it so if I die, they dont.
Most of the time I wait, until I see there are enemies near or a teammate has grabbed the other heavy (I still wait). But if I see red on my radar im picking that up to deny heavy from the other team.
You guys are the real heroes of this game.
I always wait. Even got a message during IB thanking me for waiting. Unless enemies are close the more allies with heavy the better.
You're welcome *[i]bows[/i]