Can we take a moment of thanks to the genuine nice people who wait for you to get heavy with them. Truly you are the real MVP'S xD
Most teammates grab it quick and don't care but when multiple people grab the heavy it can change the game. So kudos to all the good teammates out there
Edit: Throw in people who use their supers to secure it for the team too :D
I see red screw waiting k? If you're further away than radar view I pick it up alone or with that one guy who camps heavy waiting for it forever. I call him bob funny guy that bob.....funny guy >_>
That's me except when I'm about to die so I grab so they can't take it.
I will kneel and wait for teammates, however if I start seeing red, I grab. I'd rather die taking their heavy than let them have it.
Sometimes I leave the other heavy and let the other team rush for it and i kill them as they go for it It's like bugs to a light bulb, i once went on a 10 kill streak just killing them as they blindly ran to the box lol That purple box on the radar is like crack rocks, people just lose their minds and run for it without thinking
I'm that guy that rushes the other team heavy and usually gets it!!!
Actually had a match where I died defending heavy and ALL 5 teammates waited!
I wait for heavy about 90% of the time. Always have a truth shot at me.
I remember in the very, very early days of Destiny, the majority of players were under the impression that only the person who opened the box got the heavy ammo. Then people figured out how it worked, but you were called a terrible, scrubby, waste of a life noob if you asked people to wait for teammates before opening it, despite the obvious advantage it presented. Damn people were stupid.
Haha not me. You better be there bro.
This! I applaud everyone who does this, I am one of them! I make it a point to wait as long as possible for my teammates.. It's only right
I activate my super to protect the ammo until my team comes even if it means I die in the process....
I try to, but the moment I see red on the radar, that shits not going to be around for long...
I sit and wait. Then, when my teammates arrive, we can all get Nova Bombed as one big happy family.
Nothing beats 5 teammates waiting
u smart...u loyal....
I usually wait til i see my teamates approaching...then i grab it before they can get it and dance....then i blow myself up with a rocket..... [spoiler]jk[/spoiler]
Edited by Tonalmeyotl: 2/3/2016 4:11:43 AMOne time I was waiting for my team, I waved at my team to come faster, noticed red dot coming in, I ran toward the enemy and double KO'd ourselves+fist of havoc with aftershock just so my team can get the heavy ammo safely. xD
I do my best but it seems like I'm always the one killed by the solo enemy trying to kill us all or die just as the ammo is about to spawn. So I wait until I see a hit of red then I'm taking it. I want to use my Thunderlord damnit.
I'm the guys who kills and/or gets killed by that one asshole who tries to super the whole team at the heavy.
It's just common sense and sometimes crucial for a team win. Unless an enemies near, you gotta wait for a bit
Edited by GHOST 9o5: 2/3/2016 4:52:29 AMI'm the guy that will take it as you're running to me, then I'll watch you use the grieve emote. Why? Because it's funny.
I think you should get points for the flip side of what you are saying. How much is it worth when you grab the other team's ammo just before they get to it. You go up in a flaming ball of cinders and all you get is a check mark in the death column. Suicide when you grab the other team's heavy should be at least as many points as a kill.
Wow people must really hate me
I always stand and protect and let someone else activate heavy. Unless I've stood like a lemon on my own for a while then I just take it and go..
Edited by Axsios: 2/3/2016 2:59:05 AMHeavy shouldn't be in crucible.