[b]'He' walks in, nobody knowing his name or what he was or anything at all. He just strolled in like he belong there[/b]
*the Shadowed One looks at the guy, scanning him "Excuse me, but who are you? Do you have proper authorization to be here?"-Shadowed One
[b]He makes a raspy sound like him trying to talk, but nothing comes out. He instead just shrugs[/b]
*he walks closer to him, and looks at him "I see. This complicates things. Want anything to write with? Pen and paper, tablet, anything?"-Shadowed One
[b]He does a miming of writing[/b]
*he pulls out a tablet and hands it to him "This will dictate what you write. It should help."-Shadowed One
"Hello. I am the Shadowed One. What is your name?"-Shadowed One
"Well, I'm guessing you aren't here for the meeting, are you?"-Shadowed One
"I can understand."-Shadowed One
[i]And I don't care about this meeting[/i]
"Okay. So, you are just here out of boredom?"-Shadowed One *he looks at him with suspicion
[i]pretty much[/i]
"I see. That seems to be why most are here. I'm guessing you are resistance, am I correct?"-Shadowed One