Unstoppable will absolutely keep you alive in mid super, it will hurt them bad, but they'll live....trust me on that one lol
They're hurt real bad and might not live much longer after you're dead, but they will kill you and they'll survive 100%
Who uses gg during a foh
Your question should be: Who uses fist of Havoc on gg? A lot of people is the answer, it happens to me often
Nope But foh on gg is way smarter than gg on foh
That's what happens lol I use gg and go to get some kills, turn a corner and get FoH'd, shoot (because it does occasionally kill them) And die lol
Hey are you on ps4 Ik ur on ps Mt gt is same as above
I play destiny on ps3 but i do have ps4, go ahead and add me. I've been holding off getting it on ps4 because most of my friends still play on ps3 I'll get it on the 4 eventually, when it's cheap or if the add content (which they already said they had no plans to do so lol)
Alright Is ur gt the same as above