Infection: One player starts out as the thrall. He has a higher armor level than the Guardians, and gains points per Guardian infected. Six rounds, each player taking a turn. 7500 point limit. Free-For-All mechanics, players can kill each other, but earn minimal points.
4v4v4v4: Four teams; Blue, Red, Yellow, Green. Mixed game modes, Control, Clash, etc. Guardians have a shader automatically put on them to signal what team they are on. 15000 point limit.
12v12: All out warfare. Large maps only. Vehicles enabled, supers disabled. 30000 point limit.
King of the Hill: Six points that can have the hill, team with the longest time holding the hill wins. Multiple players in the zone increase time. 20000 point limit.
President: One player on each team will be signified as the President, similar to a spark runner and will be removed of weapons. If the president survives for 45 seconds, their team gains extra points. 20000 point limit.
Arena: Eight teams enter. One leaves. First set: Clash. Four battles, four winners. Second set: Control. Two battles, two winners. Final set: Rift. One battle, one winner. The team that wins the championship gets immense rewards.
None/All: Specify.
If you need me to explain something better, please comment.
So far, people like infection
Actually, id love an endless mob wave scaleing in difficulty each wave, similer to mass effect 3s multiplayer. Or something along the lines of the Tower in sword art online. We have plenty of crucible options atm, with each weekly and monthly being solely pvp focused. It's time for some pve events.