Seriously why were these removed.
Nightfalls don't really drop exotics anymore.
3oC don't work at all
Exotic drops in raids, trials are too rare to be a reliable source for shards.
Buying exotics off xûr and dismantling them just is not practical at all.
Seriously why were these removed?! I started again on PS4 and I've found it almost impossible to get exotic shards or exotics.
This is a simple easy change. Please re-add shards for 7 strange coins (or less) each.
3 of coin works good to me. It's all I buy from Xur anymore. Well that and the occasional heavy ammo. I stock up on 3 of coin. I prefer to have the chance of getting 290-310 exotics versus Xurs 280 gear. Through iron banner I've gotten a lot of exotics. 1 per character in a day. Even got 4 in one day and they were all 310. I don't rely on 3 of coin. I turn it on when I remember. Which makes it randomly used automatically. I just feel I get a lot of exotics which in turn gives me shards when I need to infuse.