Being put with teammates who cause you to lose a Clash game when you go 32-0...
Needs to be sorted out.
Bungie, please make teams even in PVP lobbies.
I know right? Bungie has to be one of the worst companies I have ever come across. Their team of useless programmers couldn't fix any PvP breaking bug if their life depended on it. But somehow, when it comes to silver and the items which are purchased through it, they turn into code wizards and fix it the same day. They're a useless company who have trod upon their own good name, i'm glad that this game is dying, and I hope they are never able to make a game again. Luke Smith has the communication skills of a 5 year old and the desticles who follow are the exact same; useless trash who are the cancer of the gaming community.
I think it's worse to launch a match, and while you're flying in you hear, "zone b lost," and you land in as the enemy team is launching a salvo of rockets at your team's spawn. Also the score is 15000-5000.