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1/28/2016 11:33:49 PM

New PvP mode

So I was thinking with all the gamemodes we have currently for PvP we usually have a heavy reliance on specific gear, usually exotics that give the best bang for your buck, so what my suggestion is that we add a new PvP game type. Specifically it would be called "Back to Basics," essentially the rules and restrictions of it would be as follows: Rules would be akin to standard Skrimish/Clash, now the restrictions is where it gets interesting, all exotic weapons are banned from the gamemode, Heavy Ammo DOES NOT Spawn, and Super Energy DOES NOT Charge (Bar will remain empty). The idea is that this game mode is all about gunplay. positioning, and timing which most FPS games revolve around. Maps in the Rotation will be from a combination of Year 1 and Year 2 Maps with a tendency towards maps that are accommodated for the combined size of the two teams. Another Restriction for this gamemode would be that Player CANNOT enter with a Fireteam, this will help even out teams and also promote self improvement for players of all skill levels. I would like for some of the more experienced FPS players to give me their thoughts about it. I understand that I may get some flak for my idea, but Theory vs Practice does prove different results than what is predicted in most cases. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I await your feedback.

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