originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Meh last time I checked before I got hacked it was something about Deadpool.
Never heard of you. When uou join?
Started reading these forumsback before ttk, highlighting reading, I used to not be able to write anything for the life of me that was semi-interesting. Deadpool 4335 that was it.
But rpl specifically
oh i never "joined" just piggybacked on some public posts
It's says your in it
since when did we start talking about this account? Late November, Early december on this account
No wonder I haven't heard of you
[quote]Meh last time I checked before I got hacked it was something about Deadpool. Started reading these forumsback before ttk, highlighting reading, I used to not be able to write anything for the life of me that was semi-interesting. Deadpool 4335 that was it.[/quote] i think these explain it.
But the joining of rpl