Interesting topic. There are a lot of horrific animal abuse stories out there. People do some really sick torturous things. It's very sad and I definitely loose faith in humanity. On a brighter note I guess here's to your dad's good health.
Saw a story a few weeks back about a dog who died because their owner neglected them...the dog was chained up outside and slowly eaten alive by an army of fleas. -blam!-in' pathetic excuse for a human right there.
That's -blam!-ing horrible!
Ive also seen another story, a few years old.. A woman went up to someone, grabbed their small-ish dog, and threw it into the middle of a 4 or 6 ish lane [i]highway[/i], [u]while the owner was watching.[/u] [spoiler]Because they took her parking spot.[/spoiler]
That's just messed up