The terrain is a Reach like forest
The two sides start in camps 1 kilometer apart on opposite sides of the forest
Each army has enough supplies to last them for 30 days
Both sids have 1000 troops
ODST's are armed with the following
500 are armed with Assault Rifles and Magnums
300 are armed with SMGs and Sniper Rifles
100 are armed with BR's and Rocket Launchers
100 are armed with DMR's and SAWs
All 1000 ODST's are also armed with 2 Frag grenades each
Clone Troopers are armed with the following
500 are armed DC-15A blaster rifles and DC-17 blaster pistols
300 are armed with DC-15S blaster carbines and Sniper blaster rifles
100 are armed with Z-6 rotary blaster cannons and DC-15s blaster carbines
100 are armed with DC-15s blaster carbines and Rocket Launchers
All 1000 are also armed with 2 Thermal detonators each
Buck (Pre Spartan augmentations), Micky, Dutch, Romeo, Veronica Dare, and The Rookie are with the ODST's
Captain Rex, Fives, Tup, Hardcase, and Echo are with the 501st
Anakin Skywalker is not in this battle.
I would give it to the 501st for supplies alone. Most of the Star Wars universe abandoned projectile weapons (slug throwers) because of their inefficiency and lack of damage output. Even with the weapon types shared by both groups (like rocket launchers), the prize still goes to the 501st for similar reasons. Star Wars technology is too advanced, and the damage output of their weapons far exceeds anything in the ODST arsenal. The only area where the ODSTs would probably have an advantage might be training, but even then, that's a marginal advantage at best. All clones were elite soldiers bred from the DNA of an absolute badass, and the 501st was the elite of the elite.