And a richer government leads to curropt government. There is 2 sides to this story and no one will ever win
Edited by himwhoscallediam: 1/29/2016 10:10:02 AMLiberty is a battle fought every day, and there are those on both sides the wealthy and politicians that would gladly take it from you.
right, cause both sides think they are right.
Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer to the proper way of governance. Each way of governing has its pros and con's, but ultimately, the governing system will turn out as what the people vote for. So if Trump gets voted, and he starts WW3 by calling all Muslims to be executed, it just happens.
Not all powerful governments are corrupt. It is ultimately up to the people to decide who comes into power, and to ensure the ones in power don't abuse their position.
You have to much faith in humans. Everyone is looking for that next big paycheck.
Not everyone thinks that way. Change will come when enough people both voice their opinion, and take action against corruption.
Everyone has there price. Even you do
Suggested Reading: Allegory of the Cave by Plato Not everyone can be bought with money through out human history brave men and women have fought for what they believe in despite the personal costs. If everyone was as you say we would all be staring at the wall still.
Not everyone can be bought. Some things are worth more than monetary gain. Being pessimistic will not get anyone anywhere, and it certainly won't bring about the change anybody wants. However, it will not suffice to be just optimistic either. Change will still ultimately come from action, and it is up to the people to carve their path.