I don't think Fallout 4 is a good game.
I'm not blown away by The Witcher 3.
I think PvP is more important than PvE in video games.
I believe The Division will fail.
I believe Destiny 2 will be an awesome game.
I think Black Ops 3 is a better game than its given credit.
I hate Star Wars Battlefront EA.
I agree with you except I don't have much hope for destiny 2
Agreed on Fallout 4. Haven't played a lot of the other ones you've talked about. Am curious on Destiny 2.. Hopefully it is good (love the Destiny world) but I have my skepticisms.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I laughed out loud when you typed destiny 2 is gonna be good XD GOOD ONE PAL KEEP DREAMING.
lol nobody likes Battlefront and nobody thinks division will be good either, seriously if you've watched the divison gameplay every person with a brain realizes how bad it is. I wonder in anyone is even going to get it, hopefully ubisoft goes bankrupt
I love battlefront
the original one?
Oh i thought we were talking about the new one
We were but I thought you weren't
I think this just turned into a game of telephone
So apparently you and I are polar opposite. Because i feel the exact opposite about everything you said. Except fallout 4. I got to a certain point and I'm pretty bored with it to be honest.