You can actually replace the word mida in you reply here with any good scout and still be true. It all comes down to how the player uses it. I'm not trying to say it, but the only ppl that complain about it are the ones who are about average on pvp.
Mida is the best shot tho because of secret high caliber and faster strafing along with its perfect tier for pvp.
Only in the right hands. This isn't a three shot thorn or the last word that get used like an auto shotgun. Is gun losing from this weapon means you lost to the player. If anything the high caliber rounds on this weapon is being used a lot because so many ppl use snipers like primaries. It's pretty much the only gun that stands a chance long range against it and usually fails. Either way, destiny needs to bring another primary back to it's former self or "tweak" sniping. I tired of the nerfs so I hope they just bring back something.