It's not their concern... Try makin some. "Temporary homies!"
Including I have homies but we like doing our own things besides too and raids
Why should solo players have to deal with fireteams. Why should we work harder to lose so badly or have your teammates not do as well as you. Including having a whole fireteam red bar. Destiny solution was to go to recruit problem solved. Shows how much they care and why can't we chat not with our mics but communicate easier in destiny not outside of the game.
On that issue I agree with you partially 100%. I'll explain. The fire team issue isn't an issue. You can go solo or find buddies and that's up to you. It's all up to you. Whether you get slapped silly against a 6 man pre made solo is up to you. That's a self issue and not Bungies. What Bungie [b][u]should[/u][/b] have done is make lobby communication simple like COD, HALO, etc etc. because we [b][u]FIND[/u][/b] people we wanna play with through communication. Why doesn't the tower have comms/ team chat? Why isn't everyone defaulted to team chat in any zone?
Not the communication u r talking about like mmos where u can chat like that or have a kiosk where people in game have section like raids trials or for nightfall in game