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originally posted in:Assonant Soldiers
Edited by Polytala: 1/24/2016 6:13:58 PM

Iron Banner Rift

Good day Guardians, As some of you may already know, this coming up Iron Banner will be Rift. The link posted above here is a quick break down for those not familiar with this objective based PvP match type. ALL of those participating or planning on participating needs to please read carefully below. It has come to my attention that most of you fear objective based PvP. Sure you all can handle Control pretty easily but this is Rift we are talking about here. This is a whole new ball game for some of you. By now, I hope everyone reading this has been to the posted link and has an understanding of what this game mode is about. When you break it down and actually understand the true objective, this game mode is fairly simple and easy. My job this event is to help make it easier and fun for ALL OF US. As your PvP Admin I have to say this event looks promising. Why you ask? This is an event I feel that will bring a lot of us closer and room for those who have been hiding behind the lines a time to shine. I will be making up some teams that consists of a good matchup of our Soldiers based on statistics that I have either found by playing with, stats from the companion app, as well as though who can listen and not crack under pressure. Teams will be posted before the Iron Banner starts. Now, ALL OF YOU WHO PLAN ON ATTENDING AND PARTICIPATING PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS: If you all could please send me a private message on the groupme app stating your FULL character bios. This means what characters, light levels, and what subclasses you have. Also, please include the times as to which you will and can be available. These two things are important as to which teams you will be placed. NOTE: I will have a certain team that will be setup to my own accord. This team will consist of three handpicked individuals and myself. This power team will only be used near the end of the event to help out stragglers who can't make time or need to rank up in a hurry due to personal issues outside of the game, and for those who just need a huge helping hand. ALL ADMINS, SHERPAS, RAID CAPTAINS: Please keep this forum fresh and post at least 3x a day in our Chats. This will help motivate some of our slackers who never venture into our forums to actually do so. In all honesty, I see this Iron Banner strengthening us and bringing us closer together.
#ibr #rift #anso #A2So

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