I was think over this for a day or so, and the fact that you are waving it off makes so sense. Here's why.
1. (most important) If you can use heavy weapons good enough to counter something like Truth, SSimulant, or Qullim's Terminus, why be in a compatible match?
2. Heavy is like a super, it is used only every now and then and is meant to give a few easy kills. Then if you are very good, you can make sure you don't get killed by heavy. Don't get me wrong, I know I have casual-like stats, but I am reasoning with logic here.
You're not a competitive player so you simply wont understand. Stop trying to make sense of it cus it wont make sense to you. When you run sweats, you have rules to even the playing field so the winner is determined by the better player not who has what gear or weapon. Same thing applies to heavy. A heavy round could go either way and literally has absolutely nothing to do with skill. Heavies are just cheap kills, in a competitive mode we want to work for each kill where the better shooter wins, heavies throw all that out the window. With a rocket you just have to look in that persons direction and fire and forget it... wtf is that?