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Edited by KrishnaDaBeast: 1/26/2016 2:59:15 AM


This is killing PvP for me and a lot of players in the Destiny community. [b](TL;DR is down below)[/b] Skill based match making is matching people with "Equal" skill even if it's across continents and that just put lag on a whole new level. There should be ranked playlist and dedicated servers if they want to introduce skill-based matchmaking, so, for now, they should reintroduce connection based match making. Crucible is so sweaty, and it requires you to give the game 100% percent concentration if you want to win a match, which just ruins the fun in playing it in the first place. If you are in the higher ranks and want to use any other guns than the meta=RIP If you play with play with some of your friends who aren't as good=RIP Bungie the last two COD games tried skill based match making and have failed miserably (For example Advanced Warfare) [b][u] [i]TL; DR= Replace skill based matchmaking with connection based matchmaking before it's too late.[/u] [/i][/b] Bungie needs to listen to the community and go back to connection based matchmaking because of the Lag and crucible feeling more of a chore than it being fun. This is a casual game, and if you want it to be competitive then you got to introduce Private matches, dedicated servers and ranked playlist. [u][b]Guys please if you agree please sign and upvote this so people can see. Leave a comment about why you also hate SBMM. If you disagree with this post or some parts of this post please leave me a detailed comment explaining why. [/b][/u] If we want Destiny to be saved then we got to start somewhere important. Let your voices be heard! (Also, tell me if there are any grammatical mistakes or any spelling mistakes) [b]EDIT: Wow you guys are awesome! Keep signing and bumping so hopefully Bungie could see this and the many other posts out there.[/b] [b]EDIT: Please also do not forget to Upvote or click the like button on this post so more people can see this, thank you.[/b] [b] EDIT: 550+ Upvotes? Damn guys keep doing what you are doing. Bungie will have to see this. [/b] For the people that are saying "Oh now it's competitive, wow the horror." Then this is what I personally have to say to you [quote] Have you seen the crucible lately? It's latency issues are on a whole new level because of SBMM. A game like this with no dedicated servers should just stick to P2P connections which you clearly can't comprehend. I could play competitively when I want to feel like it. I organize scrims against competitive people all the time. But when I want to win matches.and have fun, I do not want to sweat and concentrate 100% for the whole watch just to have a chance at winning. It's funny if you actually think Destiny with no crucible balance, no dedicated servers, no ranked playlist, and no private matches could be competitive. [/quote] This is gold [quote] The pure idiocy is they've removed the fun of occasionally having an easier or harder match. It's sweaty all the time, especially if you improve. And further proof of the idiocy is this: where is the reward system that matches the SBMM? So you're going to give people more difficult matches, but reward them with a mote of light? Pull your head out of your ass Bungie,[/quote] By IronChalice For the "special people" that think SBMM is fine and you the top tier players or any players should be forced into laggy games so they don't play against people close to them. Please I challenge you to go read this great post [u][i][b]EDIT: We have around 1600+ Signatures and Bumps. Let's hope Bungie sees this. Tweet this at them. Anything. Just keep Upvoting, bumping, and signing. If you disagree, please don't be ignorant because you post. Read what I and the people in this post are saying before speaking out. I would love to hear everyone's opinion but make it detailed. [/b][/i][/u] A video I found on Reddit. It's an SBMM Lagtage Best comment IMO [quote]I'm not against skilled based matchmaking. Especially if it was clear what skill was rated on. Halo 3, in my opinion, had the best skilled based matchmaking, I'm all for it if it can be replicated. In order for this to work, though, casual needs to be separated from ranked play. Casual players don't want to play hard and ranked players don't want to be sweaty all the time. I chose when I want to go hard, and I believe the majority of the player base does the same.[/quote] [u][b]By The Medic44[/b][/u] [i][u][b] EDIT: Keep on Upvoting, bumping, sharing, commenting, tweeting, anything. Bungo needs to see this clear flaw with PvP and how this alone could kill Destiny. I don't care about the content shortage if it means I can have fun in PvP but now I can't even do that. Bungie, you are killing your own game by not listening to us![/b][/u][/i] [i][u][b] EDIT: OMG 900+ Upvotes and no Bungie. BUNGO SAY SOMETHING. ANYTHING. GET RID OF SBMM. The majority wants it. Guys keep doing what you are doing. We need to get 1000 Upvotes so hopefully BUNGIE can see people don't want SBMM[/b][/u][/i] [quote] HUGE EDIT:Guys, an update about matchmaking! Matchmaking will have more emphasis on connection starting WEDNESDAY. ONLY in Iron Banner. They will analyze that and then roll the matchmaking changes out to more Crucible playlists over time. We have yet to see if these changes will fix the issues, but this looks like a partial win with a full win incoming at an unspecified date. People, PLAY the EFF out if IB after Wednesday's update goes live. Let's let them know with our play time that we want the matchmaking to be CONNECTION based first, skill second.[/quote] [u][b]By Irivingjohn 1985[/b][/u] [i][b] 1000+ Signatures and Bungie finally said something. But it's a beta test, or it would feel like it so please PLAY THE EFF OUT OF IT AND TELL BUNGIE YOU LIKE IT. THIS PETITION HAS ACCOMPLISHED WHAT IT WAS MADE FOR SO THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SIGNING, BUMPING, AND COMMENTING. Tell Bungie you like the new matchmaking, if you like it, please. Someone else should make a petition asking for Bungie to keep the matchmaking if it's good. As for now I have done my job.[/b][/i] [b]WE -blam!-ING WON BOYS AND GIRLS. LET'S GO[/b]

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  • Well done.

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  • Yay. We won the battle but the war has just begun....

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    • An Update before Thursday by Deej ????????? now we have opened new communication ground ! I get my new 4k Tv on Wednesday I might just test it out now . Maybe lets see if it's back to where it was .

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      • I know the petition is over, but I feel like throwing my two cents in regardless. I've seen Destiny evolve since beta. I've seen the meta swing from auto rifle and fusion rifles to whatever to pulse, and now scouts. I've seen my fair share of laggy matches, sometimes due to my internet and sometimes not. What I haven't seen is a simple apology for the recent fiasco involving the crucible. In not one of the moderator/dev posts, "fixes" or "updates" section, have I seen the simple phrase "we're sorry". "Sorry for doing this without notice, Sorry for not knowing full well what it would do to matchmaking," Or "Sorry for how things turned out." Instead, we get a dismissive "we're working on it. It'll be fixed. Don't ask us to turn it off, its a thing now. You'll like it, trust us." I feel as if I've been treated with disdain, or at any rate, flat out dismissed. SBMM wasn't asked for. It wasn't offered up for debate, or even mentioned to the community until well after it had been implemented. I play alot of crucible, mostly because it's the only entertaining thing left for me as I devour content at a ravenous pace, and mostly because I enjoy goofing off with my friends. About a month ago we start noticing the various reported glitches and horrible lag spikes. I thought it was just me, honestly, because my internet, while acceptable, has a bad habit of crapping out when it so pleases. Turns out, it was from this travesty. The normal crucible matches, as others have stated, are either lag-filled-teleporting-shooting-around-corner-matches, or have simply became high tension games where you bring your A-game and best players, or risk being mercy ruled and/or spawn camped a few minutes in. That, of course, is if literally no one is lagging on either team, which as we all know, simply does not happen. (It didnt even when it was still CBMM) I don't find myself enjoying such game modes any more. Don't get me wrong; I'm not against playing others of similar, equal, or greater skill. The 1st rule of chess is you must play a better opponent to become better yourself. What I am against is being shot through walls, around corners, watching players teleport back and forth, take no damage or randomly falling to my death from a height of around 1ft. This turned, unexpectedly, into a bit of a rant. But don't get me wrong, I'm not angry, or "salty" as the kids say these days. I'm not super upset, throwing tantrums or cursing the gods as it would seem others have taken to spending their time on these forums. I guess, more than anything, I'm just disappointed. Disappointed in the direction things are moving, disappointed in the lack of new pve content and the "state" pvp is in, disappointed in the lack of transparency (where is our roadmap for year 2?), disappointed with Bungie in general. I'm sure not everything is your fault fellas, but as I'm sure activision told you, "I find this model to be unsustainable". So, in conclusion, (as so many of you will offer up so quickly, 'why not just quit then?') yes, I will be looking into other games to play. Not because I want to give up on destiny, but because I believe destiny has given up on me. I want to believe the IB numbers won't lie. I want to believe things will be fixed. Unfortunately, I have no hope or faith. Maybe I'll be surprised. We'll just have to see in a day or so. Regardless, Good day and good luck, gentlemen.

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        • Great for you man. From wednesday you can do Ib with your elitist game friends and shoot noobs like me with a negative kd over and over again. Maybe your wet dream of having a kd of 2 will come through now. I'm so sorry you had to compete with equally skilled players and you had to suffer all these sweaty matches. That;s no fun at all. Well done! What's your next petition? Nerf all weapons again?

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          • You haven't won anything. No specifics on how much will it be connection based. Maybe it will have 10% more based on connection vs how it is now. If that is the case, it will still suck. But disregarding that, it will still be skill-based in everything so every match will still be sweaty. So the matches will be a lot harder to win still and we still have the shitty, random rewards. You gave up just because of a news post from a proven liar and instigator (Deej) just because you interpreted what he posted as being good? Nothing has changed and it may end up being worse.

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          • Its politics, man. We all know it. I wish all businessmen were focused on our happiness rather than maximizing profit and protecting stock holders. But, then the evoluion of gaming wouldn't have been financed suffieciently. Hence, no Destiny. I don't condone lying becuase they did this mess at the start by shaving the content and those crazy legal debacles. But it's obvious to see that we desticles will continue to purchase. So stop lying, Bungie, keep it real, its clear to see we all here to stay. No game is going to divide us. People making money on this game, building successful streams, kids are build precious childhood memories, making new friends, marriages, partnerships, charities getting sponsored, the disabled get love and help with raids. Man c'mon Bungie, quit lying keep it real, give us what we want ...WE HERE TO STAY ! must take good with bad, however, in the world of big business!

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          • I know this petition is over but I thought you guys would like to help out with another petition to separate PVP nerfs and buffs from having any consequence on PVE. Thanks everyone :)

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          • You people didn't "win" anything. It's still going to be a skill based ELO.. little kids need to learn how to read.

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          • ( •_•) WTF 8=D

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          • Bump

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          • I'm just waiting for when this post gets randomly taken down for no reason.

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          • Don't mistake Deej's recent news release as a win for non-SBMM. SBMM is still apart of crucible. [b][u]Only[/u][/b] Iron Banner will be changing the matchmaking system. This is just a ploy to save Iron Banner participation numbers. Rift IB is overwhelmingly loathed by the player base. Division paid beta opens this weekend. If they were really dropping SBMM it would be a ubiveral change.

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          • bungie will never see this. they dont give a shit, thats the reason i stopped playing this game.

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          • More damage control. Now the sweaty kids can go back to pub stomping to maintain their precious K/D's! lol

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            • [b][i]Sign Below To Support Year One Content [/i][/b] ---------------------------------------------------

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              • [quote]This is killing PvP for me and a lot of players in the Destiny community. [b](TL;DR is down below)[/b] Skill based match making is matching people with "Equal" skill even if it's across continents and that just put lag on a whole new level. There should be ranked playlist and dedicated servers if they want to introduce skill-based matchmaking, so, for now, they should reintroduce connection based match making. Crucible is so sweaty, and it requires you to give the game 100% percent concentration if you want to win a match, which just ruins the fun in playing it in the first place. If you are in the higher ranks and want to use any other guns than the meta=RIP If you play with play with some of your friends who aren't as good=RIP Bungie the last two COD games tried skill based match making and have failed miserably (For example Advanced Warfare) [b][u] [i]TL; DR= Replace skill based matchmaking with connection based matchmaking before it's too late.[/u] [/i][/b] Bungie needs to listen to the community and go back to connection based matchmaking because of the Lag and crucible feeling more of a chore than it being fun. This is a casual game, and if you want it to be competitive then you got to introduce Private matches, dedicated servers and ranked playlist. [u][b]Guys please if you agree please sign and upvote this so people can see. Leave a comment about why you also hate SBMM. If you disagree with this post or some parts of this post please leave me a detailed comment explaining why. [/b][/u] If we want Destiny to be saved then we got to start somewhere important. Let your voices be heard! (Also, tell me if there are any grammatical mistakes or any spelling mistakes) [b]EDIT: Wow you guys are awesome! Keep signing and bumping so hopefully Bungie could see this and the many other posts out there.[/b] [b]EDIT: Please also do not forget to Upvote or click the like button on this post so more people can see this, thank you.[/b] [b] EDIT: 550+ Upvotes? Damn guys keep doing what you are doing. Bungie will have to see this. [/b] For the people that are saying "Oh now it's competitive, wow the horror." Then this is what I personally have to say to you [quote] Have you seen the crucible lately? It's latency issues are on a whole new level because of SBMM. A game like this with no dedicated servers should just stick to P2P connections which you clearly can't comprehend. I could play competitively when I want to feel like it. I organize scrims against competitive people all the time. But when I want to win matches.and have fun, I do not want to sweat and concentrate 100% for the whole watch just to have a chance at winning. It's funny if you actually think Destiny with no crucible balance, no dedicated servers, no ranked playlist, and no private matches could be competitive. [/quote] This is gold [quote] The pure idiocy is they've removed the fun of occasionally having an easier or harder match. It's sweaty all the time, especially if you improve. And further proof of the idiocy is this: where is the reward system that matches the SBMM? So you're going to give people more difficult matches, but reward them with a mote of light? Pull your head out of your ass Bungie,[/quote] By IronChalice For the "special people" that think SBMM is fine and you the top tier players or any players should be forced into laggy games so they don't play against people close to them. Please I challenge you to go read this great post [u][i][b]EDIT: We have around 1600+ Signatures and Bumps. Let's hope Bungie sees this. Tweet this at them. Anything. Just keep Upvoting, bumping, and signing. If you disagree, please don't be ignorant because you post. Read what I and the people in this post are saying before speaking out. I would love to hear everyone's opinion but make it detailed. [/b][/i][/u] A video I found on Reddit. It's an SBMM Lagtage Best comment IMO [quote]I'm not against skilled based matchmaking. Especially if it was clear what skill was rated on. Halo 3, in my opinion, had the best skilled based matchmaking, I'm all for it if it can be replicated. In order for this to work, though, casual needs to be separated from ranked play. Casual players don't want to play hard and ranked players don't want to be sweaty all the time. I chose when I want to go hard, and I believe the majority of the player base does the same.[/quote] [u][b]By The Medic44[/b][/u] [i][u][b] EDIT: Keep on Upvoting, bumping, sharing, commenting, tweeting, anything. Bungo needs to see this clear flaw with PvP and how this alone could kill Destiny. I don't care about the content shortage if it means I can have fun in PvP but now I can't even do that. Bungie, you are killing your own game by not listening to us![/b][/u][/i] [i][u][b] EDIT: OMG 900+ Upvotes and no Bungie. BUNGO SAY SOMETHING. ANYTHING. GET RID OF SBMM. The majority wants it. Guys keep doing what you are doing. We need to get 1000 Upvotes so hopefully BUNGIE can see people don't want SBMM[/b][/u][/i] [quote] HUGE EDIT:Guys, an update about matchmaking! Matchmaking will have more emphasis on connection starting WEDNESDAY. ONLY in Iron Banner. They will analyze that and then roll the matchmaking changes out to more Crucible playlists over time. We have yet to see if these changes will fix the issues, but this looks like a partial win with a full win incoming at an unspecified date. People, PLAY the EFF out if IB after Wednesday's update goes live. Let's let them know with our play time that we want the matchmaking to be CONNECTION based first, skill second.[/quote] [u][b]By Irivingjohn 1985[/b][/u] [i][b] 1000+ Signatures and Bungie finally said something. But it's a beta test, or it would feel like it so please PLAY THE EFF OUT OF IT AND TELL BUNGIE YOU LIKE IT. THIS PETITION HAS ACCOMPLISHED WHAT IT WAS MADE FOR SO THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SIGNING, BUMPING, AND COMMENTING. Tell Bungie you like the new matchmaking, if you like it, please. Someone else should make a petition asking for Bungie to keep the matchmaking if it's good. As for now I have done my job.[/b][/i] [b]WE -blam!-ING WON BOYS AND GIRLS. LET'S GO[/b][/quote] Have fun scrolling past this :D

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                5 Replies
                • I'm not slacking off on this until it is actually implemented. Keep this thread going guys.

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                • NOW , If we could ONLY get Bungie to pay attention to the "Actual Game" and NOT just one mode . . PvP = 0.07% of the total game ! FIX EVERYTHING ! STOP MAKING THIS AND EVERYTHING ONLY ABOUT PvP !

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                • Keep in mind there is a 24 hour window between IB starting and the new matchmaking settings taking effect. So please don't come on here saying "WHY HAVEN'T THEY FIXED IT YET???" before tomorrow. If you read the news article, you would see why there is a 24 hour delay.

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                  • I don't get why people are hopeful the first words I noticed were "we are looking for the right balance" that to me sounds like a vague way of saying we'll adjust it by .004%

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                    1 Reply
                    • Edited by cellar dweller: 1/26/2016 1:34:56 PM
                      i went from playing destiny almost everyday since the beta to where i barely even turn the game on now because they keep ruining it. the lag was already bad before this because bungie or xbox is just bad at internet, but now the pvp lag is unbearable. plus we need more things geared towards pve, 1 raid and a few strikes is nice and all but get creative even little things as simple as adding some new beacons for patrolling or hard mode patrol. how hard could it be to add something like splatter 10 enemies with the sparrow or something? and get rid of that damn thorn again, it was so nice when it was gone. also they supposedly changed the game so we would get more rewards for things and less chance of getting similar rewards yet i have been trying to get the anahata shader from the cryptarch since ttk came out and so far i got 1 shader from him and ive leveled him almost 50 times.

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                    • Bungie say the same about nightfall rewards haha

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                    • Does not affect loot drops nor does it advantage the player. *bottom of Bungie's to do list* Signed either way. :)

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                    • "Always the plan" Yeah right Deej. There was no real promise if anything in that update. They are at least running scared at last.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Next complaint: "BUNGIE! I'm constantly get matched with people that wreck me and every game is completely one-sided! Fix it now!"

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