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Edited by Joaquin Dead: 1/23/2016 3:29:36 PM

Happy 2016?

It's been a while, thought I'd say hello and offer a little feedback from a former player still interested in what Destiny 2 may bring. I hope that after this lackluster year of disappointing releases we can all say that maybe, just maybe, the push for monetizing every aspect of a game has begun to ruin video games. Once you begin to design games to maximize micro-transactions you have two choices paywalls or time sinks so onerous that it makes the game a chore to be avoided at all costs. That even if you get tempted to pay to avoid you begin to see the game as nothing but a series of money sinks with diminishing returns. Once the game begins to lose players then the drive to make up for the lost revenues from the missing player base causes the game to go into a unrecoverable tailspin into the void created by the fools gold of ever more overbearing micro-transactions. We as players must also remember games like Destiny cost more than a Halo or Call of Duty. We shouldn't complain about DLC's being required by Bungie to continue playing every game mode in Destiny. Plus DLC in games like Destiny should just be renamed Expansions and Devs & Pubs should be up front to consumers and let them know that future & current features of the game will be dependent on ownership of the future expansions before release, oh and have an actual plan with that release. Plus, this should go without saying, that an expansion should be just that, and worth every cent it costs. The two DLC's for Destiny, IMHO, weren't worth the cost. Can you honestly say that they provided 2/3 of the entertainment value of vanilla Destiny? Cause that's what it cost. This issue is industry wide, So I'm not trying to single out Bungie. Destiny's DLC was more than most, but not enough, if you compare the cost of content with that of the entire game. I believe everyone that plays games can see the lackluster releases of late. I'm looking at you Rainbow six & Battlefront. That I believe was due to the push for monetization over entertainment. There will never be an adult that'll buy a skylander or Lego dimension type of piecemeal game even if they grew up playing them. So hopefully the industry wakes up to this fact before it creates the next crash caused by it's seemingly singular focus at present with micro-transactions at expense of actual gameplay. Because once you begin to see a game as a money sink it becomes unplayable and it's once valuable IP becomes worthless. Take it easy....

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