originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
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I've managed to get through some of the API from the Wiki and forum posts.
I do have an API key and I was able to authenticate so that I can access the private endpoints.
My question/issue is when trying to get a list of Bounties I don't see anything for Shaxx, Petra, Arcite. I do get the ones for the normal bounty tracker(daily) and trials of Osiris(weekend) when it's running.
I'm trying to pull down this info for a clan page and not necessarily for a specific end user. Is it even possible to pull this info?
As a note - I don't run PvP so I have not completed the quest line for Lord Shaxx's. Is this going to be the cause of the issue? I ask because other sites like daily destiny-daily.com does have the Bounties listed so I assume the data is available at some API endpoint and I'm just missing it.
Hmm, so normally the Public Advisors endpoint would give you that: /Platform/Destiny/Advisors/ But I just ran the query and it is tragically deficient. I'm filing a bug, there really ought to be more data available about bounties from that endpoint - we seem to only be returning two "availableBounties" at the moment, and I will have to investigate why!