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Edited by Splashback77: 5/15/2016 9:24:15 PM

The Silvered Moons: An Osiris Team Rising; V.O.G. part 3- Entering the Vault

Enjoy this edition of Silvered Moons: An Osiris Team Rising Previously on The Silvered Moons: An Osiris Team Rising [quote]"-his Hawkmoon." "Bwhahahaha! Haha- Blerrrg! Blech! Bweg..." "Oh, no! When Rhabby hears someone puke he-" "F**K- blerrrg, blech- HEL-" "So gross. So gross." "Ew! Ew! Ew!" "Keep your Strange Coins,Rhab. I don't accept vomit-covered currencies." "I can't bear to hear." "Make them stop!" [/quote] And now... [b]"So we found the Vault. How do we open it?"[/b] Sarah asked. "Blue, you're MLG at P.v.E., what do you think?" Kabrina asked. "There are two paths. Left and right. I think there is someway to open it on either or both sides," he replied. "We split up. Dream Team goes left. Silvered Moons go right," Rhabby suggested. "Could work but someone will have to guard the entrance," Fruit said, "I don't trust you." "F**K! Oh wait. Okay then. Abby and I will go left. Christian, tell your, ghost, Watermelon, to take notes," Rhabby replied. "I'm taking notes," Rhabby's ghost, Salt, replied. "Anyway, Abby and I will go left," "Hunters go left," Sarah's ghost, Lunar, replied, "Got it." "Scratch that," Abby said, "I'm not going with Rhabby." "Why not?" Blue asked. "Remember when we were in orbit." "Oh, yeah... [quote]"You know Rhabby secretly has a crush on you, Abby," "What!?! F**K NO! ABBY IS GROSS!" "You're raging, Rhab, You're denying." "SHUT THE F*****K UP!!" "He switched to Gunslinger to impress you." "FOR THE SECOND MOTHER F**KING TIME SHUT THE F**K UP BLUE!!!!" "Let him try."[/quote] That was hilarious," Blue said. "The point is I'm not going with Rhabby," Abby summarized. "You're stuck," Sarah replied. "S**t." "No need for salt." "Oh, f**k you," Salt replied. "I meant rage not you, Salt," Sarah explained. "No one ever pays any f**king attention to me," the ghost yelled. "Shut your face, Salt," Lunar replied. "Yeah, shut your face, Salt," Watermelon added. "Too much drama among us," Blue's ghost, Jimmy, muttered. "If they have any respect, it's the size of a grain of salt." "Shut your face, Jimmy," the three ghosts scolded. "Shut the f**k up, all of you!" Rhabby yelled. "Iriduim," Lunar whispered. "What are we talking about again?" Fruit asked. "S**t, I forgot," Rhabby replied. "Hunters take the left path," Brina said. "Riiiiiiight. Blue and Sarah will go right," Rhabby continued. "Brina and Christian will stay in the middle." "Let's go!" Blue yelled. Rhabby dashed to the left.Salt followed him. Abby sighed. She shook her head. "Come on, Curry," she told her ghost. Blue paused for a minute. Sarah ran ahead of him. Lunar followed her. "What's wrong, Blue?" Fruit asked. "Nothing.Just nervous about the raid," he replied. "You're never nervous about P.v.E. Spill." "You got me. I'm nervous about being alone with a girl." "You're not technically alone. Lunar and Jimmy." Blue mustered his courage.He ran on to the right. "I'm grinding," Sarah said as she pulled out her Hawkmoon. "My guess that we stand on this little metal circle on the ground," Blue said. Vex began spawning in. "VEX!!" Rhabby yelled, "S**T!! VOID SHOTGUN!!! VOID SHOTGUN!!!" Abby shook her head. She grabbed her knife and began Bladedancing. " 'BLADEDANCER RUN!!' " Fruit mocked. "I F**KING HATE YOU, CHRISTIAN! F**KING HATE YOU!! YOU A**HOLE!!" Rhabby screamed. "SPACE MAGIC JOHNSON!!" Blue and Sarah yelled, as they Nova Bombed the vex. "I'm about to use a bubble," Fruit told Brina. "Don't, I'm about to Fist of Havoc these vex," Brina replied, "SURPRISE!" "The Vault is open," Fruit called. "SHUT THE F**K UP!!" Rhabby yelled. Blue came running. Sarah blinked in front of him.their ghosts followed them. Abby ran back to Fruit. Rhabby was blinking away. A hobgoblin sniped Rhab. "I'm filling in for Rhab's salt," his ghost announced, "F**K!! STUPID A** MOTHER F**KING HOBGOBLINS!!!" "Don't revive Rhabby yet," Blue said. He ran to Rhabby's body and bagged it. "Bag bag bag bag bag bag bag," he taunted. Everyone joined in. "Bag bag bag bag bag bag bag." "Bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag." They bagged Rhabby for about 10 minutes. "Now, revive him," Sarah said, backing away. Rhabby respawned with a thunk. "F**K! F**K! F**K! F**K YOU ALL!" he yelled. He stormed in the vault. "VEX! F****************K! S**T! DAMN IT! YOU RAT BASTERDS! YOU LED ME INTO A F**KING TRAP! F**K YOU! I HATE YOU! F**K!! SON OF A B***H! YOU A**HOLES!! F***************************************************K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [b]To be continued...[/b]

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