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1/21/2016 11:40:45 PM

Bungie...... Bungie, Bungie......Tsk Tsk

You know... when making this post, idk where to even post it. Is it feedback? Community? Bungie? But honestly, it's just as relevant wherever I put it. And let's not pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. It's the elephant all over the forums right now (and rightfully so btw.) You have not given us a real gameplay update since 12-10-2015. Besides putting in an Iron banner event and then taking away SRL, which wasn't even close to a full event, more like a test event, what have we gotten since then? Oh I'm sorry, you did give us the chance to earn a SUPER SPECIAL emblem. Because we all know how rare and useful emblems are. Btw.... I'm sure pretty much everyone sees through that dumbass 'event' and realize you're just trying to see how fast your game is dying out. And you know what? You have no one to blame but yourselves. How can you seriously think, that after all the issues 'WE' went through as a community last year, that waiting over a month to announce a Valentine's day event with a SUPER SPECIAL 2v2 mode, that itself will not release for almost another month, was going to satisfy anybody? I don't know wtf Bungie does at work, but I have never seens a company hit so many highs just to turn back around and do something stupid. I'm really just ranting right now, so let me try to part on some more concisely chosen words. 2 months between small updates, is too much. You knew this after year 1. You have picked up another community manager.... who seems to do nothing but watch video's all day (or at least that's how you portray Cozmo.) And taking away content in order to force people to play the 'newest version' of the game is wrong. (I.E. there was no reason to negate the entire house of wolves expansion just because it 'needed some fine tuning.') Before TTK came out, I made a promise to Bungie. I said, if TTK doesn't learn from all the mistakes of Year 1, then the next (and possibly last) time I check out Bungie or Destiny will be Destiny 2. But at this point, the only thing I look forward to in Destiny.... is Destiny 2. If it means that we can brush aside this deformed amalgamation of half-finished gameplay and ideas, then I say Kill Destiny 1 right NOW. So here I shall most likely wait until September or later for Destiny 2, which (if more of the same) could very well be my final Destiny. (See what I did there?) So to Bungie I say good luck, and to anyone else who will come in here and rage at me, and say stupid things like go play another game etc etc, stop wasting your breath, because unless you can influence the game's development, I don't care to hear what you have to say.

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