I recently changed my gamertag due to an overdue need of change and trying to avoid more unneeded drama and conflict from a group I was in. When I did a search of my old gt it still shows up on here on web searches but my new gamertag displays in it's place when I view my profile on here. Is there a way this profile to be set on a private setting where only friends can see it or be deleted all together from someone on the help center side? If it can't be set on private, who would I have ask to delete my bungie.net account?
If I were you I would make a completely different account on bungie.net and then link your changed gamertag to it. People will not be able to find out who you are unless they have you added on the console you are using. If that is an issue you can always keep your gamertag/PSN hidden by going to Settings and then going to Linked Accounts.