It wasn't Bungie who ruined the game. The original meta was pretty cool, no bs, no drama. And then along came the shitty community. We want this. Remove that. Nerf this nerf that. You need to point the fingers at yourselves for allowing it.
What's funny is lots of people think that balance is better when you nerf or buff the solid stats instead of trying to fix the problem of god tier rolls that throw off the balance of the game. I mean look at it from how every meta is. Look for the best damage, range, stability and you have the easiest gun to use. Like how players look for just straight stat boost on weapons that it throws the weapon balance of archetypes out the window. Like look at the lymida-D I think. It's the hakke pulse rifle that's has the highest impact and highest range. Only problem is stability is sadly low. What should I do? Oh I know use the roll the gunsmith sells that uses braced frame which lowers reload speed by a little and increase the stability higher then the old perfect balance while getting added bonus of counter balance. Why have weapons that are suppose to have a balance or down side to a gun and get perks that completely make it better then all the other archetypes that get little to no use.