I got turquoise so tfw it fails = rip
Edited by Vishante Kaffas: 1/22/2016 3:25:07 AMRevan(the guy on the left) is my favorite character in all of Star Wars. You guess.
The new color from [i]Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles[/i]
Edited by Shubox: 1/22/2016 3:28:20 AMI got white , I'd want a Kylo Ren style saber though.
Orange m8
I got orange boy!
Blue. But I'd rather just use a blaster pistol. "Ah.. Star Wars! Nothing but Star Wars! Gimme those Star Wars.. don't let them end! Ah.. Star Wars! If they should bar wars.. please let these Star Wars stay-ay! And, hey! How about that nutty Star Wars bar? Can you forget all those creatures in there? And, hey! Darth Vader in that black and evil mask - did he scare you as much as he scared me-e-e-e?" "Star Wars-s-s-s!"
Heck yea got purple!
I got green, but I would like to wield orange.
Edited by Gray: 1/22/2016 2:14:37 AMI got orange
I'm also orange
Yellow And Darksaber Took it 2ce
Orange "Jedi that prefer orange-bladed sabers tend to be conflicted individuals, and while they tend to gravitate toward the light side of the Force, it’s usually begrudgingly. Jedi with orange lightsabers have typically had a brush with the dark side of the Force, and despite the fact that they’re usually morally good, they tend to have a mischievous streak."
Color-changing saber