I hope 2016 is filled with less retards and less offended people.
What makes you lose faith?
What makes you gain some faith back?
Something truly positive to me is that today my dad turned 96 and is very healthy. He cant hear very well anymore and drives me nuts sometimes but he is the sweetest father and im glad he is still with me.
Edit 1: *sigh* there is lots of stupidity but I learned a few things from some posts. In the end not everything is absolutely terrible.
Holy shit how stupid can people get dude ugh. The girl in the pic, just wow.
A butterfly landed on my mentally handicapped cushions nose. That's all the proof I need .. drops mic
Obama getting elected
Minecraft is the fastest growing search term on pornhub
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile]This persons profile[/url] made me lose faith in all of humanity.
Skinny jeans on guys, new music, vaping, politics, drama and more make me lose faith in humanity. But it's refreshing knowing that I'm not part of any of that.
This sack of human bile.
I lost faith when I heard Iran was gonna execute a metal band for playing their music and singing atheistic lyrics. When is it gonna end?
I always lose faith in humanity when animal abuse is committed.
Back in 5th grade, when people bullied and laughed at me when my baby sister died. Pretty much have hated people since.
the birth of donald trump
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 2/25/2016 11:29:32 AMThe fact that there is enough to go around on the planet for everyone to live comfortably...or rather, there's enough to go around so that everyone can eat and get medical care, yet we don't do that, makes me lose faith in humanity.
A few days before Christmas, there was an elderly gentleman(looked to be in his 80s) sitting, eating and talking to an empty chair at Longhorns. I asked his waitress and she confirmed he came alone. I figured maybe he was talking to his dead wife, could've been their anniversary or something and felt bad it was close to Christmas and he was by himself. So, I told the waitress that I'd pay for his check. When he found out he rushed over kind of aggressively/angrily, took his hat off and shook my gf's hand and said thank you. It felt really good, gf said I earned a BJ so I was happy with myself... until I got to the car. It hit me that the old man only shook my gfs hand and said thank you to her and ignored me. So screw that old perverted man. Faith in humanity: -1. [b]TL;DR[/b] Screw old perverted people.
Edited by IS0M0RPHIC: 2/25/2016 2:28:05 AMWhat made gain faith was 343 adding grifball to halo 5. [spoiler]what made me lose faith was what Spartan abilities DID to grifball.....[/spoiler]
This site kills me inside every day
I can't believe this post is still up...Good job, Mango.
Damn daniel
Furries and Weeaboos
Parents and coaches going ballistic at youth sports events. Yelling, screaming, getting thrown out, etc. They're just kids dammit. This isn't the pros.
When people hate on Trump just because the Internet told them to.
That people care more about stopping homosexuals from getting married than they do about the imminent doom of the entire ecological environment.
Back when we made ppl build the pyramids, I deserve compensation.
Faith = Trump Lose Faith= Trump not winning
Who would make them their, "bae"..... Hate that word.....
Humanity made me lose faith in humanity. As of yet, nothing has caused me to gain any faith back.
The person in that picture is an idiot btw