Never intended to imply stupidity. While I started with a joke about irony, I would rather this be a conversation, not a series of insults. Yes, you can't judge a book by a cover, as that blog suggests. Doesn't matter who I am or who anyone else is, you won't know for yourself until we show our true colors. But surely you meet male players, and find ones mature enough to engage in conversation and play cooperatively with. I still find it a shame that those players, even if you were to get to know them, would still be excluded from an entire community with the same video game goals as that individual.
We by no means require that members be exclusive to our group, nor do we never play in mixed-gender groups. In fact, with a little digging, you'd see where we say to people that the only events that we don't allow non-SSTRs to join are those for our community weekends, since the purpose of those is to encourage our own members to meet and get to know players they haven't previously met. Other posted clan prioritize SSTRs first, as they are group members, but outside members regardless of gender may be invited to join if space is available. We make the SSTR host responsible for the behavior of their invited guests, but I think that's fairly standard group etiquette. To speak to my own experience, I am also a member of an all-gender group, and I was just in a raid with a perfectly nice gentleman just now. However, to have a single space where we know harassment based solely on our gender won't occur is valuable, and to focus so much on us excluding a gender that already has such privilege in the world feels like an additional imposition of that privilege.
I just don't feel that excluding an entire group, whether it be based on gender, race, faith, etc, is a valid reason to justify anything. Yes, you create a safe space for female guardians, but its done in a negative way. As I've said before, this is just my opinion. You have your own, and neither of them have to change.
Edited by lVlaleficent: 1/19/2016 3:38:12 AMThis particular recruitment has been my favorite and I will continue to bump it because I feel that it reaches an audience of female gamers who need this kind of acknowledgement and empathy. Edit to add: acknowledging negativity does does make us negative. It makes us realistic. We aren't a hate group as you seem to be implying.
"Empathy " if things random strangers across the internet say over a video game that you can block from talking or just block bother you to this extent you have more issues than one :)
Empathy as in we understand the frustration of being unable to complete parts of the game simply because we don't have gamer friends and lfg groups turn sour or fall through. Internet trolls however are easy to ignore.
Yet you still replied HAHAHAH. " internet trolls are easy to ignore but I will still reply" your logic Bitch. Makes no sense. Now reply with your salty comeback in an attempt to put me in my place so I can roast you again. Rinse and repeat
You're a jerk but I'm not salty about it. Just looking to bump the recruitment as usual.
Listen, one day you will grow up and realize why I say the things I say. It's to point out absurdities like this in the world. So have fun with your clan of females only in an MMO game, yeah good luck with that................ :)
Thanks for the bumps.
Edited by fightnight235: 1/28/2016 4:23:11 AMAnd you did exactly what I knew you would do. Do you spend all your time on this forum trying to make sense of your senseless clan. I think you do. Do you even play destiny that much. Do you even Oryx Hard mode bro?
I spend a lot of time managing a clan and helping other people so it's my responsibility to be prompt with anything the clan might need. I'm very proud of my quick response time. And yes, i destiny brah.
So responding to a random that has little to no effect of your overall clan is beneficial to your clan? And this is helping your clan? Well in real life out of your fantasy world you replied to my comment looking to put me in my place and failed miserably.
Y u so obsessed with us bro. Also bump.
Never implied you being a hate group. I understand you don't have the female requirement to hate men, but to provide a "safe zone" for women. My view is simply that by excluding ALL men, you create more negativity. Just like if a group made an all black clan as a safe zone against racism, it would create negativity against nonracist whites. I also understand the potential consequences of opening recruitment to males, and that you're current method is a lesser of two evils. As I explained elsewhere in this conversation, I'm expressing an observation and opinion, not demanding change.
Edited by TnNikita: 1/19/2016 3:18:54 AMThe thing is, if some part of you didn't think my opinion, and that of my group, should change, I don't think you would have spent your time commenting. If it really didn't matter to you, then you could have said, "eh, not for me, but they don't have to change their opinion" and moved on. The fact that you didn't; that you felt we needed to hear your opinion, which we both can see is more than adequately expressed in a variety of ways already on this thread, coupled with the ongoing responses in a continual effort to tell me that we're wrong, makes me think that you don't really believe we don't have to change. We bother you, and you want to say something about it, so just be intellectually honest and own that.
I'll be honest and own that I'm at work, which while is being nice and paying me to do essentially nothing, is extremely boring. While bored at work, I frequently browse these forums. I either post serious opinions or honest jokes, hoping for a response. A conversation. A simple distraction from the hours of boredom. That's why I posted here. I gave my opinion, and I received one in response. On and on it went, and the last half hour melted away. So thank you for that :)
I hope you enjoy the Bungie forums, although I really think you could do better with your time. Good luck with the rest of your work shift, and thanks for the thread bumps!