[b]He continues to watch[/b]
[b]More of the black liquid seeps from his chest as he pulls the sword out[/b]
[b]His voice is distorted and sounds metallic yet it also represents Frost [/b] "Cleansing yourself of the dark, are you?"
[b]He coughs up some more of the black liquid[/b] "Y...Es..."
"Interesting....well go on then, I guess"
[b]His black hair turns red as the last of the black liquid falls out of his chest[/b]
[b]He continues to watch, intrigued[/b] "Spark....."
[spoiler]GODDAMNIT[/spoiler] "What about those stones?"
"They have been returned to the possession of the FN."
"Seems stupid to give that power up"
"Seems stupid to give up my family aswell."
"I'd mock them but I'll pass on it"
"My family is better than you'll ever be."
"A hoe, a demon and a furry?"
"Compared to your family. Oh wait..."
"I don't have a problem with it"
"Because you dont have a family." [b]He seems the spit the words at him[/b]
"And I don't have a problem with it" [b]He spits the words back[/b]
"Which describes the type of person you are."
"No, my job didn't exactly allow it"
"Still shows the type of person you are."
[b]He sighs and shakes his head in disappointment [/b]
"You'd leave your family for a job."
"I wouldn't"