"My A.I. chip is basically a second brain"
"Well i'll probably never understand that. So you're pregnant....."
"Are you happy or sad?"
"Extremely happy"
"You don't look very happy...."
"I'm kinda afraid of your reaction"
[b]She hugs her[/b] "I'm really happy too"
[b]She hugs her again[/b] "That's great"
"It his. For how long have you been pregnant?"
"Month or two I think"
"Do you have a name already?"
[b]She smiles[/b] "That's an awesome name"
"I hate this pregnancy though"
"You're gonna be fat soon"
"And im gonna laugh"
"No cuddles for you then"
"Haha, i'm joking. I can't live without your cuddles"
"And I can't live without you"
"Same" [b]She kisses her[/b]
[b]She happily kisses back[/b] "I hate this parasite already if I'm honest"
"Will that 'parasite' be a god too?"