[spoiler]It IS pitch black.[/spoiler]
He swings into Shepard's left leg.
"I should try to help." [b]he tries to get up again[/b]
"You're still missing an eye and the doctor says you need rest." She keeps him in the bed.
[b]he reluctantly gives up and lays back down[/b] "You've got to be kidding me"
"Hey, we have time. He'll first go and reclaim the realm he lost."
"Fine. I need to get some enhancements on my sword if it's gonna do anything" [b]he gets up, the bones snapping in his broken leg[/b]
"I told you to stay in bed." She doesn't let him get up. "Bones heal slowly, even with magic."
"Fine.... So.."
"Just rest and your leg should be fine in a few hours, you will also need a new eye. That's harder."
"Ehh... I can live without an eye, plus I know a guy who can "help"
"Rest Shepard, you're panting from just talking."
"Okay.. Okay fine."
"Good, I'll be back in a while. I have to go help Roger and the others enchant the glove." She steps out.
"Fine... Thanks for saving me."
"I can't... let him... Win."
"I... I can't...."
[b]he starts breathing really heavily and looks around the room for an escape, like a cornered animal[/b]
[b]he screams and eventually laughs [/b]