So I'm sure a lot of you are day one guardians still grinding for that beautiful 320 light, as am I. So we turn to the latest installment of Iron Banner and grind to Rank 5 in hopes of the 320 ghost and item. I'm sure a lot of you have been disappointed with those rewards, I know I am. With the last salt inducing sweat match to win and get the rank 5 package, and I didn't have very high hopes of good rewards from Lord Saladin. My best hopes were 320 Nirwens, worst ideal of 310 sidearm. So the God RNGesus himself set a compromise, and have me his very own 317 Ironwreath D, fully equipped with Danger Close and Relentless Tracker. I know some of you guardians have it worse than me with your rank 5 drops, and I'd love to hear them, especially since we won't get the rewards we think we deserve but we get the rewards we don't need.