Seriously I just looked at your recent activity on the forums and I found 3 different topics you created where all you're doing is bitching and complaining about people and the guns they use. Seriously take a chill pill jeez stop whining about a video game. Grow up!
You're whining about my "whining" on a public forum lol. Think
No I'm making a statement. The statement is that all you do is bitch and complain. Then I reinforced my statement by including the fact that you've created 3 topics recently bitching about people and the guns they use.
Arguing with an idiot (you) is like playing chess with a pigeon. Even though I'm going to win, the pigeon is still going to shit all over the board, and strut around like it won.
Good one! Where'd you get that from? Try being original for once in your life. Just once. Not sure why you even commented on this. Only reason I can think of is you wanted to be an asshole!
Sorry I offended your delicate sensibility's though. [spoiler]Something about getting thicker skin.[/spoiler]
I may, or may not have responded to the wrong person. This was meant for the OP, not you.
Word. Well then I agree! What a pigeon! Haha shit head
Apologies for the thicker skin comments then.
Yeah you know what I'm talking about. Go cry some more over a video game asshole
So mad
You're a little school girl. Complains about everyone and everything.