On a scale of one to seven how know are you?
Gotta say I'm pretty popular guy at a solid one.
In b4 title change
I am the absolute best known person here, or anywhere. Why? It's likely that no one else exists, thus I am the only person in existence, and so I am the best known person in existence.
I doubt anyone knows me
Definitely a one
Idk, how many of you know me?
I'm pretty popular so I'd say a solid 5/7
Maybe 4 or 5. A lot of popular people know me. Cellar Door hates me.
I was once under the alias Checkmate.
I dunt know anyone i fink
probably 1.5 I'm not that known but I think a couple people would recognize my username
Even I don't know myself.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Uh... Hi?
You tell
I have no idea tbh...
I'm so unknown that you don't even know you don't know me.
I give myself a "not" out of "very".
I'd say yellow
Anyone know my main account Drunk coyote9 It's currently on a ban so I need to use this alt :/
Needs more 8.
A perfect 5 out of 7.
I doubt anyone will recognize me.