[b]He awkwardly kisses back[/b]
"Well, that was....interesting..."
"Dud you like it? I know i did."
"I have no idea...."
[b]She kisses him again[/b]
[b]He jumps back[/b]
"Oh..... im sorry."
[b]He nervously flails his tail around[/b]
"What does that mean?"
"I'm nervous"
"You don't have to be."
[b]He still flails his tail around[/b]
"Did you..... like it?"
"I don't know"
"We could.... try something else...."
"What would that be?"
"Y'know....." [b]She looks down[/b]
"I don't know, y'know"
"I do know."
"Then tell me"
[spoiler]Make em bang already goddammit[/spoiler] [b]She blushes[/b]
[spoiler]HE'S ASEXUAL, STFU [/spoiler] [b]He nervously flails his tail around again[/b]
[spoiler]SHE'LL MAKE HIM SEXUAL AF[/spoiler] "Ehhhhh...... sex?"
"Uh..." [b]He nervously looks for an escape[/b]
"Its ok if you dont want to."
[spoiler]ATTEMPT FAILED SON[/spoiler] [b]He starts to run off [/b]
[b]She grabs him[/b] "Dont run" [spoiler]I'LL RАPE HIM IF I HAVE TO[/spoiler]