[i]He feels cold steel being pressed against the back of his head; a gun barrel[/i]
Edited by oCharlemagne: 1/10/2016 6:01:37 AM[i]He puts his hands up[/i] [b]What do you want? If your FN, don't bother[/b]
"Not FN; NWH. Though we are allied. Now, you're going to talk, or I'm going to fire 2 rounds into that small brain of yours. What are you doing, and why are you here?"
[b]Im Agent Zenith, I was sent here to find out why the Avalon crashed. Please take the gun and holster it. Trust me. [/b]
"Sonny, who the fūck sent you?"
[b]I was sent because I'm a new recruit for FN. Why do you think?[/b]
"Yeah? Who authorized it?" [spoiler]that would likely be Sawyer or Decassere btw[/spoiler]
[b]I don't know, I'm just an agent sir. When I receive orders I follow[/b] [i]You can tell from the way he talks up to you he's just a kid[/i] [spoiler]When my character meets up w/ them he'll be authorized[/spoiler]
"How old are you, kid?"
[b]Sixteen, why are you asking?[/b]
"Humph. I've recruited six year olds with more backbone than you" [i]he says, holstering the gun and leaving[/i]
[i]He stands still and then puts his hand on the hilt of his sword that was sheathed on his back[/i] [b]You'll regret that[/b] [i]As you look back he just disappears into thin air and then appears on the other side of you, 15 feet away[/i]
[i]Except I never looked back, and ignored as I walked[/i] [spoiler]mind not doing that? Saying my character turned? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]sure, sorry[/spoiler] [i]He appears in front of him with his sword drawn [/i] [b]Do you know, what I went through, my whole life to get here? Of course you don't. Your just some guy with some money acting like a big shot[/b] [i]He starts to walk away as he sheathes his sword[/i]
[i]He pulls his revolver and shoots his left leg[/i] "Kid, I've been through a shitload more than you can imagine"
[i]The bullet goes, through? His leg. As if he wasn't even there[/i] [b]Yeah, but I bet you had control of it[/b] [spoiler]He basically just teleported in place, still don't worry, in a fight JT would beat him[/spoiler]
"I really didn't, no." [i]he says, unleashing a hail of 5 shots, in different intervals [/i]
[i]All you see is his body appearing in multiple places at the same time, none of the bullets hit[/i] [b]Whats your name? I want to remember it[/b]
[spoiler]dude, you using magic or machines to do this shit?[/spoiler] [i]Hunter silently creeps about, curious of the teleportation, hiding in the shadows[/i] JT: "that's not important"
Edited by oCharlemagne: 1/10/2016 5:00:36 PM[spoiler]His sword is sort of both (warning:don't grab it), I can stop for now if you want[/spoiler] [b]Tell me[/b]
[spoiler]don't worry, Hunter is a God who has the ability to suspend any and all magic abilities, I got a plan B[/spoiler]
Edited by oCharlemagne: 1/10/2016 5:03:19 PM[spoiler]At least give it back... When you take it[/spoiler] [b]What is your name? I want to know.[/b]
"Again. That's not important" [spoiler]lmao I'm not taking the weapon. JT was made for hand to hand combat/revolver combat. He knows how to mix the two[/spoiler]
[i]He sheathes his sword and draws another, a plasma sword obviously[/i] [b]Fine[/b] [i]He charges at JT[/i] [spoiler]OK[/spoiler]
[i]He kicks him as he charges[/i]
Edited by oCharlemagne: 1/10/2016 5:45:41 PM[i]Zenith makes an attempt to slash your torso horizontally[/i] [spoiler]killing or none?[/spoiler]