Is it me, or do interactions between people in lobbies to get into a game just non-existent anymore? I miss being able to talk with players in-game while we were all dead, too. The arguments, the alliances, I will miss thee.
Edit: I met these few really cool guys on Seige last night in a game. We one about 7 matches in a row, the last 4 being flawless. But, the stupid system would separate all of us from talking as it tried to find opponents, and we all lost connection to each other.
Cod search and destroy lobbies were the best, seems like if I want to have fun or trash talk with others against the other team, black ops 2 is the only cod left. Force players into game chat in these game modes!
I feel that the invention of party chats have really ruined any in-game communication.
I don't get why it's so hard to find people that use mics on ps4
No, not really. A long time ago I used to play CoD extensively and just listening to the people was cancerous. I totally understand why some people mute everyone now.
It's not gone yet. I always hear people in halo game chat (usually war zone).
Maybe a little, but only from the PS2/Xbox Era of online gaming. I miss custom games more.
Speaking of R6:S I'm looking for some peeps to run multi-player with RN. Comment here if interested or just message me. My Psn is attached to this profile. Ps4 btw
Mw2 lobby chats were too funny... Bring them back!
I didn't start gaming until three years ago and at that point salvation was dead.
I actually do miss it. Yeah a lot of the time it was just a bunch of squawk talk and shout fest but sometimes I would be dying laughing from some of the things being said whether to me or not. Plus while in the lobbies waiting, that's how you would meet some of the cool people and party up with them even befriending them. I still have friends on my list to this day from Halo 2 and people I've meet IRL from BO1 all because of lobby chatting. Friends I never ever would have with out it.
Ya mean the shit talk fest ? Idk
Don't really miss it since it's not gone for me. I play a lot of PC and it seems the vast majority of games on there have the ability to speak with your team and the enemy team from start to finish. It has only gone extinct on consoles, and on console I don't realize since I'm usually playing with friends in party chat the entire time.
Stoners, teenagers, and drunk people ruined that experience. I remember in the earliest days of Halo 3 there were so many chill people. Now, it's mostly annoying kids and pathetic excuses for adults screaming about your mom and various profanities. I usually stay in party chat with friends or don't have a mic on. (Chat through screen disabled for various reasons)
Party chats
Yeah, it's pretty rare nowadays, mostly because of the party chat system and people just muting everyone they don't know when playing with friends, so they won't deal with squeakers. But, back when I played MW2, Blops 1 and Halo, it was really fun talking with others, either just talking about random stuff, or in SnD talking shit to the other team even if we were losing, it was fun as hell back then.
I just miss when in snd you were forced into game chat
More than you know. Miss them more than anything else.