Unlocked my quest for the New Monarchy Exotic class item on my Warlock yesterday. Ran my 10 strikes in Heroic and I noticed something. Almost every strike had someone AFK and grab rewards at the end. Some guys were trying to be clever and would scoot forward, shoot, then hide once we engaged the enemy. Heroic strikes aren't ball-busting, but running them with only 2 as opposed to a full team can be painful.
The worst strike I had by far had a guardian named (had to remove name but will post vid tomorrow). If you see him in strikes, just leave. If you see him in crucible, own him. This piece of siht did nothing but tuck himself into corners and shoot only when we were looking. He was completely absent and hiding in a nook in the wall at the boss. Then when the boss died, guess what dropped?
The Imago Loop. For THAT GUY.
I had as many assists as he had kills.(29, I had 139 kills at the end) And he gets the one gun I still haven't managed to get. Bungie, you need to do something to stop people from cruising through strike playlists and reaping the rewards because this is stupid. And it's like this a for almost every strike I join.
So sound off fellow guardians! Share your strike playlist horror stories below!
Fire team
tldr: op is a salty rager, raging at some kid that probably just got the game
I love going ask in strikes while I play other games lol
So....................... Almost every strike so please kid post a vid where almost every strike has afk'ers
I don't kill that much in strikes I damage the bosses and mayors
I have to admit that it REALLY a p1sses me off too.
y2s raging at y2s
also post the vid of you afk'ing the boss fight and getting drops that would take you ten minutes if youre slow please, anyone of you little ragers could do that
I see it occasionally. I think a 5 minute timer without doing damage before you get kicked would be a good start.
Just go AFK then
I have no problem with AFKers. I just report them in game and they get kicked 5 minutes later.
And when ppl afk it actually takes longer for everyone bc they arnt helping. So if they would help shoot something then they wouldn't have to wait they as long. Doesn't even make sense. What do they do? Watch porn of their phone and use their toe to move around so not kicked?
Edited by Dooodley: 1/10/2016 1:25:51 PMThe worst part about the AFK'ers is that they're totally screwing with the vanguard buff system. Sure, i can solo strikes but when I'm not that thrilled about strikes in the first place - and mostly do them for engrams or marks - it just gets ten times worse when I have to do them alone. Hence, I will most likely jump to orbit when the strike is over, so that i don't have to carry through the AFK'er yet another time. Now I don't have the buff though. Would it be to much to ask to have a 5 minute timer on the buff, allowing us to go to orbit and look for a new match? And yeah, it's also really frustrating to see these assholes get the loot when you've done 100 % of the strike alone. Then again, that's a system that applies to every aspect of this game. WE NEED INCREASED DROP CHANCES BASED ON PERFORMANCE! It will still allow the crappy players to get looot, from a baseline percentage, but incentivize "trying". Also, loot drops are not competitive so it wouldnt affect X if Y had a greater chance to get his or her individual loot - because he or she performed well.
U look cute today
Try inviting the afk to a fireteam and if they join boot them, simple as that
2.0 patch notes Players now are required to participate in the boss fights to be eligible for end-of-activity loot. YOU DONT GET ANYTHING FROM AFK IN STRIKES
You sound salty someone got rewards and you didn't
payed for my rights and ill play how I want to.
I'll go afk myself and do something else. Wait them out
I just run around I don't shoot and I don't revive. Until the end that is. It used to be fun to run around and solar wind all your teammates. But they nerfed all the fun out of destiny
I'll do it by my damn self I don't give a fux!
This is typical. Has always happened and will continue.
hey, everyone needs to drop a spontaneous deuce occasionally. there should be a mandatory 2-5 min grace period at the beginning of every strike before we report or harass the player. this issue seems more prominent with the implementation of the 3 strike Vanguard buff. sure, these things can be solo'ed, but who wants to run a strike that takes 2-4 times as long to complete while carrying inactive players? hell, make it so we can turn match-making off; problem solved.
Edited by GETNCHITTY: 1/9/2016 10:10:51 PMTypical DESTINY the person that is the biggest douche bag gets the best rewards! And i very much agree this is a major problem at the time but we all know no matter what BUNGIE isn't going to do shit about it. there should be an option to opt out of match making PROBLEM SOLVED!!
You just leave and join another strike. Or you do what I do park up and go make a coffee and a sandwich. Then come back and they always have pissed off.
Some of the coolest friends I've ever made playing this game was from some dude going AFK. Random goes AFK. Me and other random stroll on like "forget that dude, WE GOT THIS!" Next thing you know, you've made a good friend. I get what you're saying, AFKers drive me crazy, but the silver lining is always easier to find when you're looking for it. What can I say? I'm a "glass half-full" kinda guy, I guess.