originally posted in:The Roleplay League
The Ghost from above would teleport onto her shoulder and shine it's light, brightening the room. It was a circular room with that Taken Goo everywhere...
[b]What is that stuff?[/b]
Alice holds up a hand. "No, I don-" She started saying, but then Artemis cut in again.
"Any Exotics you don't have?"
"I don't need a reward." Alice says quickly. "A thanks will suffice."
"Okay then. Anything you want at all? I've got quite the collection."
"How many versions of thank you's a do you have then?" Alice says with a smile. "Seriously though, the best reward you can give me is going back out into the world and doing whatever you want with your time positively."
"To each their own. Again, thanks for your help."
"Although I suppose..?" Alice dismisses the thought with a shake of her head. "No, nevermind."
"If you need me, just call. I'll be there." With that, she vanished from plain sight.
"Haha. Cya ya round." With that, she turned, and walked into the shadowed hallway, then disappeared herself.
"Haha. Cya ya round." With that, she turned, and walked into the shadowed hallway, then disappeared herself.